
Arts and Crafts Lamps and The History of Art Nouveau

The Arts and Crafts era began in England during the late 1800's. Simple clean designs and individual craftsmanship that employed aspects of nature were the main characteristics of this design period. This new movement was in direct variation to the mass yield of products that was made inherent by the commercial revolution. This new art, (Art Nouveau in French) was also many ways a relief from the lavishly ornate designs of the Victorian era which preceded.

Wood Table Lamps

The commercial revolution had dehumanized the process of manufacturing especially as it relates to home decor products. It broke down the work process into assorted components by processes called the "division of labor". Workers were able to work on only a part of a perfect product. The Arts and Crafts movement was a rebuttal of this dehumanizing process as it was involved specifically with the human element of a someone creating an entire product from start to finish.

The architect Augustus Pugin (1812-1852) was one of the first outspoken leaders in speaking against the dehumanizing aspect of the commercial revolution. He was followed by other proponents of these ideas: John Ruskin (1819-1900), William Morris (1834-1896) and Phillip Webb. Morris was the most popular name connected with this movement.

This new style of art spread throughout Europe and was named Art Nouveau (new art) by the French. Each country and region had its own styles and variations of this new art movement.

During the late 1800's, America was basically importing its artistic and home furnishings designs from England and Europe. Colonial and Shaker designs were the only truly American styles at that time. Gustav Stickley's Simple and clean furniture designs exemplified the Arts and Crafts style in America.

There were a estimate of remarkable lamp fellowships of that period. Their products are very collectible and highly sought after today. Many of these collectible Arts and Crafts Lamps or Art Nouveau Lamps that sold for $ 15 - $ 25 in the 1920's may now sell for many $ 1,000's and much more.

Some of the lamp fellowships which are representative of the Arts and Crafts or Art Nouveau era are:




Duffner & Kimberly

Edward Miller

Bradley and Hubbard


Moe Bridges

Chicago Mosaic

Cincinnati Iron Works



Dirk Van Erp


Daum Nancy


Rockwood Pottery






Arts and Crafts Lamps and The History of Art Nouveau

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