
4 Tips to Care For End Tables

If you are in the market for a pair of new end tables or just have purchased them, you know they are not cheap investments. While end tables get overlooked when it comes to the fancier pieces of furniture in your home, they are still ordinarily solid pieces that cost a good amount of money to get a hold of and should be treated as the strong pieces of furniture that they are. With that said, it's time for you to be a good owner of your end tables. Here are four things you need to do to give your tables a long and strong life.

Wood Table Lamps

Protect them From Scratches

End tables get more abuse than most other pieces of furniture in your home. They are always being banged nearby and beaten up by every person who walks nearby your home. Think about all the times that man has turned the angle beside your sofa a tiny too tight and ran right into the table? in the middle of that and plates, purses and anyone else they may be setting down on the end tables and picking up again, there are likely to be a lot of dings and scratches on your end tables if you don't safe them.

The best way to do this is to offer protective surfaces for those things to touch. Many people use table runners to safe the top of the table. You also may want to put a larger lamp on the table to make people more cognizant that it's there as they walk by.

Protect Them from Water

One of the most common damages to end tables is from man setting a cup down on the table without a coaster. The water from their cup will seep into the table and cause those white rings. Sometimes you can get them out, other times you may have to have the tables refinished to remove the damage. It's great to forestall it in the first place.

The end table runners that were helping to avoid scratches are a good start. You should also have coasters very noticeable on both end tables so no one can claim they didn't see them.

Keep them Clean

It doesn't take much to mess up the cease of end tables. All that dust and dirt that is floating in the air of your home can make a mess of your end tables. Dirt and dust can seep into the tables and scratch the surface, not to mention getting stuck in the finish.

The easy way to take care of this is to use a soft cloth to periodically dust and clean the table surface.

Keep them Polished

Another thing that can damage your end tables is oil from your hands or from food products. These can seep into your table and turn the color of the wood.

To forestall this you should not only keep your tables clean but also make sure to ordinarily polish them to keep any oils from seeping in.

4 Tips to Care For End Tables

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