
Three Front Porch Ideas to originate Porch Envy

If you are looking for front porch ideas that will make your porch the envy of your neighborhood, then I have three appealing ideas here. Two are front porch decorating ideas and the third is all about appealing on your porch.

Wood Table Lamps

I recently saw a porch makeover where a beautiful mirror was hung on a beautiful modern porch.

The mirror was hung from chains and reflected the outdoors. Fantasize hanging a mirror on your porch. Not just any mirror but one that has an appealing frame. What would it reflect? The trees in your front yard? Maybe some colorful hanging baskets hanging from your porch? A mirror is a beautiful accent you do not expect to see on a porch.

But as you probably have noticed, more and more habitancy are creating outdoor rooms that are comfortable like the rooms inside their homes.This porch I saw was no exception - it was beautifully furnished with a wicker sofa and remarkable red and white pillows. A mirror on the porch is a conversation starter for sure. Just be sure to procure the mirror to your porch so that it does not blow with the wind.

My second porch decorating idea is to use scenery lighting in the evening to illuminate your porch. I know man who invented a plant lamp.The plant lamp works with a potted plant or a hanging basket. It bathes the plant in the evening with a soft glow. The homeowner can put the plant lamp on a timer.

So Fantasize a very appealing seating area on your porch that is softly lit by lamps that show off your potted plants. Or think about greenery or flowers in pots that line your porch steps and are illuminated in the evening. How appealing would that be? A plant lamp can add the exquisite sparkle to your porch in the evening and generate a welcoming tone.

My third front porch idea is all about appealing on your porch. How about turning a nice wooden picnic table into a drink and appetizer buffet for your next porch party? I saw this idea in the book titled exquisite Porches.

If your front porch or outdoor area is large enough to accommodate a small picnic table, you can toss a pretty checkered table cloth on it (or not!). Then spread out your choice of wine bottles, sparkling juices, crystal wine glasses, pretty baskets filled with fruit, cheeses and crackers. Fill vases to the brim with fresh flowers from your garden. And an additional one nice touch is to put soft pillows on the picnic table benches.

If you are appealing in the evening, how about lanterns or soft lit candles also? Have a extraordinary and informal party on your porch.

I hope you enjoyed these three front porch ideas that will make your porch the envy of the neighborhood.

Three Front Porch Ideas to originate Porch Envy

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